Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oh My God!

Why I like this movie?

First, OMG makes its point without fuss and without going over the top. Provoking as the subject is, the film was clearly not intentioned to insult faith. It is a script idea that could have easily gone wrong. Films adapted from plays often tend to get too melodramatic. OMG avoids that trap.

Secondly, the film works for its lead pair. Akshay and Paresh share crackling chemistry as God and the man who will finally learn to accept the concept of God as a positive presence in life. Together, the two actors lend the film its biggest USP.

More importantly, this strengthens my belief in what I mean as ‘God’. Through a comedy path, but the essence of this movie or the message is what I have been following. Though people call that as rebel, but this is what I think should be the way of life.

Interestingly this is what exactly all our philosophies preach, if we notice India is only country where we have a belief of seeing god in everything. As Krishna details out in Gita, there is god in everything, in mountains, rivers, sages, letters, flowers, in everything. But sadly as the time passed this message was misinterpreted as we started fearing god rather than worshiping.

I firmly believe, if my god gets angry only because I didn’t salute him or worship him or didn’t offer a prayer, then that is not a god. Or if my god gets so pleased by my offering that he/she will give me everything in life, than that is not the god. Though different characters this movie gives that message.

It’s completely true that the god has become a means to business for many people, who don’t even understand the meaning of god or his/her message. They all point out to the rituals one must do in order to please god. On the contrary all the rituals have great significance towards our psychology.

Infact Indian philosophy is nothing but a psychology!!

One simple example, many suggest doing gayatri prayer in the morning will enhance the meaning of life and it gives richness. Let’s analyze this, if we look at the meaning of Gayatri prayer, it says ‘let me pray gods to increase the peace of the universe through everyone’s health and prosperity’. What a noble thought? We will feel relaxed if we have this universe belief and thus we get our meaning of life.

Similarly, rituals suggested coming around banyan tree will solve the problems if you are expecting a child and having difficulty. Science today proves that the oxygen output of banyan tree is more than that of normal trees and that actually helps to conceive. But, over the centuries we forgot the meaning of it and started worshiping the tree without understanding the reason why we are doing it, thereby giving an opportunity to others to loot us.

This movie establishes my belief and that’s why I liked it.

May god bless all of us!

Sunday, November 04, 2012

What is leadership?

Leadership has nothing to do with the title on your business card or the size of your office. Leadership is not about how much money you make or the clothes you wear. Leadership is a philosophy. It's an attitude. It's a state of mind. And it's available to each one of us.

The most successful human beings are wildly focused. They have a very clear picture of what it is they want to create by the time they reach the end of their lives and then they have the discipline (and courage) to stick to their mission – saying “no” to everything that is not mission critical.

I experienced the leadership recently.

I was supposed to take a Spicejet flight to Chandigarh while I was returning from Norway. I booked this ticket as I thought I want to reach destination early.

When I landed at Delhi airport from Oslo, for my surprise I found out that they have preponed the flight by one hour and 10 minutes and they didn’t even care to inform me. I get an answer that they expect their guests to be reporting three hours in advance.

Ticket says departure at 8.20 AM and flight took off 7.10 AM

What happened next is what is interesting; there were many guests like me and we all got an answer that they can’t do anything as its company policy and the schedule got changed due to winter time, which apparently was not known to them when I booked the ticket last week. I would have expected to handle situation more carefully and with empathy.

If that manager shown little interest and some leadership all guests would have been happy. He would have worked in resolving the problem and would have worked with us to give alternate solutions. He didn’t just show that leadership neither assumed the responsibility.

He didn’t focus on what was our problem and if he wanted he could have solved that problem. But caring for guests, it seems, is not in the company culture.

They might have just lost a future customer!