Monday, December 02, 2013

Alone on the road

Life is like a bicycle race, whose aim is to fulfill our personal legend, which, according to our scripters is our true mission on this earth.

We all set off together, sharing friendship and enthusiasm; but as the race progresses, that initial happiness gives way to the real challenges, tiredness, boredom, and doubts about our own abilities. We notice that a few friends have, in their hearts, already given up. They are still cycling, but only because they cannot stop in the middle of the road. There are more and more of them, pedaling along beside the support vehicle-also known as routine-talking amongst themselves, full filling their obligations, following the dreams which are not up to their potential, circling in the same known small pond, but unaware to the beauties and challenges of the road.

We eventually leave them behind us and then we come face to face with loneness, with unfamiliar bends in the roads and mechanical problems with our bicycle. So, that feeling of coming ahead of the race, that pride of achievement has evaporated. At a certain stage, after suffering a few falls with no one near at hand to help, we began to ask ourselves, if it’s really worth all the effort.

Yes, it is. It’s just a question of not giving up. It’s question of being focused. It’s all about having that attitude to go ahead. It’s about our ability to focus at the time of confusion. It’s about putting all the broken pieces together and setting off for that march, yet another time. It’s all about that discipline with which we need to face the life.

Scripters says; we need to understand the life through four invisible forces; Love, Death, Power and Time.

We must love because we ourselves are loved by god.

We must have an awareness of death to fully understand the life. As such, as per scripters, the life doesn’t end at death. That is just a momentary stop.

We must struggle in order to grow, but without getting affected by the power we gained through this struggle. As there is a super power above all, and the life goes as per that power. The moment we understand how insignificance our power is when compared to that super power; that sense of achievement becomes humble.

Finally, we must accept that our soul is caught in the web of time, with all its opportunities and limitations.

Therefore, on our solitary bicycle rice, we must value time and do all possible thing to value each second. Play to our potential, and don’t get distracted by the road blocks. We can rest as and when necessary, but we must follow that dream.

Live that dream every day, every second, in whatever we do. That is what is called passion…

On a business trip

What I liked about my business trips is that it allows me to follow what I really like, walking. I just love catching up with different cultures and love exploring cities through walking. All packed and adequately dressed, its great fun to visit cities, understand the history and meet/observe people. There is tremendous amount of fun in uncertainty, and exploring the city as tourist (Without following the tourist guides) helps me to understand more.

A map, a water bottle and two bananas and few eatables will be in my backpack.

Recently I explored Helsinki in this way. Thrilled at its history, and its closeness to Russia. Visited an ancient church and got confused there what to do! Walked across sea shore and ended up getting confused about direction (That is also fun!)

I just lived my life on that day!!

Tour de France:

I got a chance to watch a documentary about this great cycle event. It’s amazingly great. It tests the endurance of a human being and it needs great amount of team work, calculation, meticulous planning and great execution.

I was just thrilled to see this documentary.