Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tata Son’s US ambassador

Until I read this interview on India Knowledge @ Wharton; I didn’t even know that Indian business houses can think about such a strategic move.

To me it seems like a fantastic idea as I believe in building the relationships is the way to build business in any country. This is a fantastic move by Tatas having ‘an ambassador’ in US; from where they are having bigger business coming from.

The role definition is “I represent the views of the Tatas -- the objectives and goals of the Tatas in the United States. I interact with government officials, with regulators, with legislators [and] with people from the Executive Branch on some issues of concern and interest to the Tatas. I also report back to Tata headquarters -- to Bombay -- about what I hear in Washington, what the trends are, what people are thinking about India, what people are thinking about Indian business. I try to be a interlocutor, if you will, between the Tatas in India and the United States government in particular, but also with the population [or] America at large -- meaning with academia, with American business, with American think-tanks -- to sort of explain one to the other”

Link to the full interview is below; but I am pretty much impressed by this investment by Tatas.

Link to complete interview

True example of how visionaries always think differently!

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