Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why you don’t get that Promotion?

It has been a while since I hit this blog, life has been hectic lately and now I got a chance to get back. Now since things are on track, I started reading as well currently reading Chetan Bhagat and HBR, both simultaneously.

I read one interesting review on Harvard Business Review, ‘Why you don’t get that promotion’? Author talks about why some guys get promotion and why some gets sidelined, though it appears that the sidelined guy is worth for a promotion. It has very interesting analysis.

It has been explained in this review, with an example, as how things work at the top when comes to promotion. Lately India Inc has some examples where set of people groomed as CEOs and out of them one was picked as CEO, leading to resignation of other guys. It happened in TCS in the past and in ICICI recently.
Author lists out key factors in Executive career advancement;
Non-Negotiable (factors that are absolutely necessary for you to be a contender).
o Demonstrating constant performance
o Being self driven to lead and assume higher responsibility.

Deselection Factors (Characteristics that prevent you from being considered as serious contender)
o Having week interpersonal skills
o Treating others with insensitivity
o Putting self interest over team and business
o Holding a narrow vision on the business and corporation.

Core Selection Factors (Capabilities that breed other’s confidence in your ability to succeed at the senior executive level)
o Setting direction and thinking strategically; spotting market trends and prepare the group or organization towards that opportunity
o Building a strong and continuously improving team.
o Managing the implementation work of any strategy without being involved too low and deep
o Building innovative culture
o Getting things done across the team, departments, geographies.
o Growing as executive, constantly seek feedback and work on the weakness.

This is wonderful analysis I have recently read and it answers few of my questions I had about corporate life.

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