Monday, June 21, 2010

Employees First Customers Second:

This month’s Harvard Business Review has an interesting article on how Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL changed the culture at HCL and thus maneuvered the company out of crisis.

Soon after he came on board in 2005, he started having serious of discussions with employees, managers and customers to get the perspective of the business and what each employee thinks about HCL and what changes they would like to see. To much of his surprise customers didn’t talk much about HCL’s products, services or technologies, but they spoke about HCL’s employees.

This led to a change process called ‘Employees First, Customers Second’

There are four keys for HCL’s transformation:

1) Mirror Mirror: Talk honestly, speak up the truth and enable people to see that a change has to be made.

2) Create trust through transparency: Find ways to build a culture of trust so that employees trust the requirement for the change. Share financial results, good or bad. Share sales pipeline, business updates. 360 feedback was implemented in the company and CEO himself started posting his 360 feedback on intranet. This prompted other managers to post their feedbacks and areas of improvements and their units performance on the intranet there by creating a transparent environment.

3) Invert the organizational pyramid: Make support functions and executives accountable to frontline workers, rather than other way around. This brings clarity and value.

4) Recast CEO’s role: Transfer the ownership of change from office of CEO to all employees. And encourage to ask questions to CEO.

Offcourse the result is for all of us to see, market capitalization has improved and share price is doing good. This has transformed HCL in to more robust player with sharp focus on the customers.

This is the change


HCL Employee said...

Is HCL really employee first or is this a gimmicl to get customers and companies chasing HCL..
This is from a post on :

- Some great and intresting feature that makes HCL as employee first company.

1: Salary: A chai wala is earning more than the HCL 3-4 year exp Engineer.
2 : Caftaria: Food which can not be Eaten by the Dog belongs to Good family. We are paying 40 rs for that. Means it is Clear that Mr nayer earning money from Cafetaria.
3 : Insurance policy : we are paying our one basic salary as a installment for ourself. If we want to cover our dependents then we have to pay more. its clear that HCL is getting a good commision on imposing forcfully this Ghaiya insurance policy. one intresting thing that despite of paying such huge installment coverage is only 80% :) Great ploicy that makes HCL employee first.
4:if you are on bench then its your mistake not HR and managment your 25% salary will be deducted. May be you will be fired.
5 :salary hike and promotion policy : if you have joind HCL recently then you are very big fool. Hike and promotion criteria is

you must have to complete min 3 years in HCL.

This is everlasting list of employee first


Employee first company employee :)

Justbooksclc said...

A Revolutionary thought by Mr. Nayar. Human Resource is the biggest asset any organization can have and empowering Employees would result in Quality and Quantity that any organization strives for.