Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sarvam Dev Mayam Jagat: (This world is full of God)

This weekend; I was back to reading Bhagavad-Gita, which I used to do regularly earlier. I always turn to this epic whenever I feel low and need inspiration.

I started thinking, whatever we think is my/our achievement, does it really so? What is really our part in what we are today?

Actually speaking, if we start thinking that I am just an actor in the larger play of this whole world, it gives us maturity and a mindset to accept the things as is. Whatever happens in this world is pre-destined, good or bad, happy or sad; it was supposed to be in that way.

But, our mind starts thinking that whatever I am today is because of me and I am the super power, we feel we are successful because of my hard work, because of my intelligent; actually speaking; it was pre-destined that you are supposed to be successful and you did!

Bhagavad-Gita says, 9,17;

pitaham asya jagato mata dhata pitamahah
vedyam pavitram omkara rk sama yajur eva ca

Translation:I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable om. I am also the Rig, the Sama and the Yajur Vedas.

In this one verse, the role of superpower has been explained. Before we start feeling pride when we achieve something, we need to understand that there is a superpower behind everything and it controls the every single detail of what’s happening in this world.

The entire cosmic manifestations, moving and nonmoving, are manifested by different activities of super energy. In the material existence we create different relationships with different living entities who are nothing but super power’s marginal energy; under the creation of prakriti some of them appear as our father, mother, grandfather, creator, etc., but actually they are parts and parcels of that super power.

It was a really refreshing weekend, completely away from business numbers, sales targets, delivery headaches and but just to think about my favorite book and think on how insignificant I am in this universal manifestation of god!

It gave me a great motivation to go there and give my best in whatever I do, it slowed me down to think and it gave me that spiritual energy and momentary mental peace.

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