Sunday, October 07, 2012

A Journey called life

We have celebrated our company’s 9th anniversary, on 6th October.

We have gone through many milestones, metamorphosed ourselves, made mistakes; learnt from them; started many initiatives, as management team made some decisions; most importantly we grew; in business, in size and in experience.

Personally speaking this also marks my three years in SPAN (Earlier IONNOR); incidentally I gave interview on this very day. It has been a satisfying, rich experience so far. Started with a Norwegian company, (I had to admit, I didn’t know about Norway before this) started working on IT Operation kind of business (I again need to admit, I didn’t know about IT Operation work, never heard about ITIL and never knew there is some business to do with servers/networks/storage; looks quite funny now); met some wonderful people who only enriched my experience.

Most importantly it gave me an opportunity to build a business from scratch. It was wonderful experience, setting up processes, business models, offerings, presetting to prospects (Without getting disappointed), sales processes and importantly start working towards winning business, making partnerships and creating customer base and don’t get defocused when criticisms were made. It all seems now as if it just happened during the course.

I need to admit, the team made all this possible and I am just a medium to do my part of the job. However, what is important is the experience I personally gained during this journey; which can’t be matched.

These last three years also marks my new stage of life, more exploring, more passionate, and more intense. Started looking life with different perspective, built passion on many new things and started dreaming again. In this journey called life, you meet some people whom you think are just made to share your dream, vision with. It’s all about finding those wow moments in life and I think I found my wow in last three years.

Incidentally, until now I am not able to come to a conclusion as how did I make this decision to come all the way to Chandigarh? What is that connecting the dot moment?

Our life has so many dots, which we never understand when we go through that phase. But, if we think back and try to connect the dots, the meaning comes out, the clear path comes out, and then we understand why those dots came in our life at first place. Simply put we will understand all these dots contributed to what we are today.

I am sure the future looks even brighter, even more interesting and canvas is even bigger now. Sky, it seems, is only the limit.

But, I felt of stopping for a moment, look back at life; smile and then move forward, in this beautiful journey called life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever try to take feedback from employees? Human is most important asset in such industries and if you do not treat well, it is a failure.