Sunday, January 30, 2011

Need of Domain Experts

Indian IT industry in general is more technology driven and we don’t find more domain or technology experts. Recently we were trying to build domain competency in logistics field, but finding one domain expert was almost impossible.

There is a social and monitory pressure at the junior and middle levels to take up more people management roles as they are attractive in monitory and designation roles. Also, people manager is perceived as more powerful role.

However, leadership is not just about leading people, business and organizations. More and more companies, especially in technology space, are creating positions for domain experts. I have seen few of my friends choose to be domain experts over people managers and are doing good.

So, we are fast getting in to a situation where both technical and people management is considered equally important for running an operation of an IT company. In the recent past, Indian IT industry has really moved up in the value chain and created space for providing domain/technical expertise as business offering. This provides opportunities for domain and technology experts.

So, its ok to say I don’t want to manage people!

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