Sunday, June 19, 2011

Embracing Tough Times

We seem to have become afraid of sadness. There’s been so much emphasis on positive thinking and being happy, we are in danger of forgetting that an important part of being a complete person is learning to handle the tough stuff as well.

The things happening around us easily make us sad and the impact becomes noticeable.

Obviously, the positive emotions are more enjoyable and easier to live with, but it is perfectly normal to occasionally get sad because of disappointments in life. Being sad about things is one of the basic emotions as per human psychology and learning how to deal with it will teach us better lessons.

If we look back our lives, we learned biggest lessons when we faced problems or sadness. The lesson learnt in hard way or when things are going tough; is not very easy to forget. More ever a patch of sadness gives us a new layer of energy to go about new things, new definition of happiness or new height to scale.

In addition to this, a sad patch will make us understand the importance of happiness. Even our vedic scriptures said, life is all about having correct mixture of happiness and sadness & how important to face them with balanced mindset.

So, it’s ok to be sad. I feel, rather than trying to cheer up ourselves forcefully, I would rather give myself a little time, a little space and room to come out of it.

I think, life is all about continues learning, no matter which phase of life you are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article helped me understand how to deal with professional challenges. It even delves and captures human mind during sadness and happiness! Truly inspiring!